Yksityisyys tiedot
I. Introduction
InternetPrint Kft. (Company registration number: 0109956205, hereinafter referred to as "Service Provider, Data Controller") submits the following information.
Before the data is processed, the data subject must be clearly and thoroughly informed of all the facts related to his or her data management, in particular the purpose and legal basis of data management, the data controller and the person entitled to process it, and the duration of the data handling.
The information should also include the rights and remedies available to the data subject in question.
This Privacy Statement contains information on the personal data handling of the printing order system, webshop (web site, webshop, webshop, website) on the InternetPrint.eu website. The information is available on our website at the following link:
The purpose of the webshop is to serve the end user's customers (natural or legal persons, other organizations) with printing services and products. In view of this, the Service Provider primarily records the data necessary for the performance of the contract. In the case of non-natural persons, it is inevitable that the Service Provider also handles some of the data of the employees or agents of the company's partners and of its agents, which data management is also subject to this Document. This Document shall be used in accordance with and in conjunction with the Data Controller's Terms and Conditions.
The User accepts the contents of this Privacy Policy by using both the Website and the Order on the Website.
The Data Controller is entitled to modify this Document unilaterally, taking into account current legal requirements. Amendments to this Document will be published by publication at the address above.
II. Interpretative concepts
1. Affected: any natural person identified, or directly or indirectly, identifiable by personal data, including natural persons (natural or legal persons, merchants and merchants) who are not natural persons by Users;
2. User: Affiliated (including sole proprietor and individual company) using a website or non-natural person other user;
3. Personal data: Any information relating to an identified natural person or to the person (s) identified, directly or indirectly ("Affected");
4. Specific categories of personal data: personal data referring to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, and genetic and biometric data for the unique identification of natural persons, sexual health or sexual orientation of natural persons and natural persons personal data;
5. Contribution: a voluntary, concrete and informed and explicit statement of the will of the person concerned by means of a Statement of Understanding or a Statement of Understanding indicating his consent to the processing of personal data concerning him;
6. Data
Manager Data and Contact: Data Protection Registration Number:
Name: InternetPrint Kft.
Headquarters: 1053 Budapest V., Veres Pálné utca 9. 1. em. 2.
Location: 1107 Budapest X., Jegenye utca 6.
Your email address: info@internetprint.eu
Phone: +36 1 786-5674
Electronic submission form: https://fi.internetprint.eu/contact/
Company registration number: 0109956205
Tax number: 23168660-2-41
Hosting Provider: Host Europe GmbH, Welserstraße 14 51149 Köln, info@hosteurope.de
7. Data management means the collection of all operations or operations carried out in an automated or non-automated manner in personal data or data files, in particular collecting, recording, organizing, sorting, storing, modifying or modifying, querying, inspecting, using, transmitting, disseminating or otherwise by way of making available, by way of coordination or by interconnection, restriction, deletion or destruction;
8. Limitation of data handling: designation of stored personal data to limit their future management;
9. Data Processor: a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or any other body that manages personal data on behalf of the Data Controller.
10. Third Party: a natural or legal person, a public authority, agency or any other body other than the Subject, the Data Controller, the Data Processor or any person authorized to manage personal data under the direct control of the Data Controller or Data Processor they got;
The other terms used in this Document are in compliance with the applicable legal requirements, in particular: Regulation No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and 95/46 (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as "the GDPR") and the Act CXII of 2011 on Information Freedom of Information and Freedom of Information. (hereinafter referred to as "Infotv."). The Data Controller acts in compliance with the applicable legal regulations in its data handling.
III. principles
1. In managing the affected data, the Data Controller shall fully observe the following principles:
(a) Data shall be managed legally and fairly and shall be carried out in a transparent way ('lawfulness, fairness and transparency');
(b) the collection of data is to be carried out only for a specific, unambiguous and legitimate purpose and not treated in a way that is incompatible with these objectives ("purpose limitation");
(c) they must be appropriate and relevant for the purposes of data management and should be limited to the need ("saving of data");
(d) be accurate and, if necessary, up-to-date ("accuracy");
(e) its storage must take place in such a way as to enable the identification of the data subjects only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which personal data are managed ("limited storage");
(f) be handled in such a way as to ensure adequate security of personal data, including the protection against unauthorized or unlawful handling, accidental loss, destruction or damage to data ("integrity and confidentiality") by means of appropriate technical or organizational measures.
(g) the data controller is responsible for compliance with these principles and must be able to demonstrate compliance ("accountability").
2. The Data Controller has established its rules of procedure as above and continuously revises it and, if necessary, modifies it. The Data Manager provides the built-in and default data protection during data management.
3. Before the use of the information society service and the use of the service, the user (the User) must be continuously ensured to prohibit the processing of the data. With this right of the user, It is entitled to live as defined in Chapter II.
IV. User Responsibility
1. If the User does not provide his / her personal data but other natural persons when ordering or using the Website, the User shall be solely responsible for providing the data with the consent, knowledge and appropriate information of that natural person. Their existence is not subject to a data handler. The Data Handler draws the User's attention to the fact that, if he or she fails to fulfill this obligation and therefore the Affected Party claims validity to the Data Manager, the Data Handler may pass the validated claim or the amount of the related damage to the User.
2. Data management shall ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data and, if necessary for the purposes of data management, the updating of the data and the identity of the User for the time necessary for the purpose of data processing. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the information given during the order is accurate. The user may initiate data modification at Data Manager, Data Manager IX. .
3. Data handling minors are not handled. At the same time, the validity of the legal declaration of a minor of 16 years of age who is affected by the Affected Party is not required to consent or subsequent approval of his / her legal representative. Minors under the age of 18 can not use the website. This is the responsibility of the User.
V. The individual data management objectives and their conditions
The Data Manager manages personal data for the following purposes:
1. Conclusion and completion of a unique service, delivery contract (hereinafter: order) through a web site.
The User is entitled to submit individual orders on the Website which are considered as individual agreements within the Website Terms of Service.
In order for the parties to comply with the individual contracts, it is necessary that the User himself or any of the Affiliates acting on behalf of the User (eg senior executives, eligible employees, authorized employees / agents, billing and financial contact pointers) are managed by the Data Handler.
Managed Personal Data for a
Natural Person:
Texts, Dates, Images on a Printing Product.
E-mail address, Password (automatically generated), Administrator name, Phone
number, Language, Country, IP address.
Invoice address: Invoice name, Country, (Province), Postcode, City, Street,
house number
Delivery address: Recipient name, Country, Province, Zip code, City, Street,
house number
Newsletter subscription: yes / no, date of ordering.
Treated personal data for a
private entrepreneur, a private company, a business company:
In addition to the data handled by a natural person: Company name as Billing
name, Company name as Recipient name, tax number.
As a main objective of the performance of the contract, the Data Controller manages the personal data from the following subsections:
• Creating, modifying or terminating an order: Some basic data of a natural person User (eg individual entrepreneur, individual company) are required to create, modify or terminate the legal relationship (see the scope of data above). The User is obliged to provide certain personal data (natural person User, non-natural person User's Chief Officer and contact details listed above), resulting in the creation of a specific contract;
• Determination and payment of payment (purchase price and other costs), billing: Data handler manages the data of the natural person Users and the Users' financial contact to pay billing, purchase price and other costs and settle certain payment issues;
• Delivery / Delivery of Ordered Products: The Data Handler delivers the ordered products to the address indicated by the User or can be taken over at the Data Management Site. In the case of dispatch by the Data Controller, the Data Controller is entitled to hand over the contact details of the contact person (name, telephone number) to the carrier's agent (list of authorized carriers below).
The legal basis for data processing is the creation, completion and termination of the contract and the User's given consent and the CVIII. 2001 on certain aspects of electronic commerce services and information society services. (hereinafter referred to as Elker TV) 13 / A. Section (3):
"The service provider may treat the personal data necessary for the provision of the service in order to provide the service technically indispensable. If the other conditions are identical, the service provider must choose and always operate the tools used to provide the information society service in such a way that personal data is processed only if it is strictly necessary for the provision of the service and for the fulfillment of other purposes set out in this Act required, but in this case, only to the extent and time required. "
Duration of data handling:
• In-process order (backup): Data may be saved on the web site at the request of the user at the request of the user, at the time of the preparation and editing of the order (which may be a lengthy, protracted process due to the nature of the printing service). The backup may contain any of the above information that may be included in your order. The backup and any uploaded images may be deleted by the Data Handler at the User's request or after 60 days. If this is necessary for the continuous provision of the service (eg insufficient storage space), the data handler may delete the data in the backups as early as possible and will not guarantee them.
• Order Accepted: Data will be processed by the Data Controller as soon as possible to achieve the purpose unless the law provides for the retention of the data over a longer period of time (in which case data is processed for the retention of the mandatory retention period), or other, has the right legal basis for the retention of the data (in which case the data is handled until the different legal basis / goal is reached, for example in the case of claim enforceability based on legitimate interest). Any uploaded images, printed material / files that are made at the time of ordering will be deleted by the Data Handler at the User's request or after 90 days. If this is necessary for the continuous provision of the service (eg insufficient storage space), the data handler may delete the orders in the order sooner,
You will receive a Notice of Changes to the Legal Basis and / or Goal.
• Disapproved Order: In case of rejected sunk, the Data Manager will delete the data at the same time as reject.
Transmission: For certain contracts or obligations, you may transfer personal data to a third party, for example, in the case of dispatch. above. The Data Controller also provides adequate safeguards and other measures to ensure the security of the data being transferred (see also Chapter VII).
Data may be transmitted to the following processors for dispatch:
a) GLS General Logistics
Systems Hungary Package-Logistics Ltd.
Address: 2351 Alsónémedi, Európa u. 2.
b) Magyar Posta Zrt.
Address: Budapest, 1138 Budapest, Dunavirág street 2.
c) COMPLEXPRESS LOGISZTIKA Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft.
Address: 1033 Budapest, Szentendrei út 89-95.
2. Send direct marketing messages and newsletters
Legal Basis for Data Processing: Users and Affiliates have the opportunity to subscribe to newsletters and other direct marketing activities on the website and during the order. The User and Affected subscribes to the use of the data (primarily: email address) given for subscription for direct marketing and newsletter delivery purposes by the Data Handler. You may withdraw this consent of the User and / or Affected at any time by clicking on the link provided in the newsletter or by requesting such a request to the Data Manager (see also Chapter IX), or in a similar manner, to protest against this purpose.
Data management duration: For the above purpose, the data handler is handled by the Data Manager until the consent is withdrawn.
Data transfer: In the case of data handler direct marketing and newsletter sending data management, no personal data will be transmitted to a third party.
Reasons for denial of consent: if the User does not consent to the processing of data for the purpose specified above, he / she will not be informed directly of the bids, discount coupons, and latest information about possible prizes, etc.. Discounts, discount codes, and eventual prize games information may otherwise be found on the website, so the Affiliate does not drop the rebates, but only the information material about them will not be obtained in a summarized way.
Profiling and automated decision-making: during web site operation, profiling and automated decision making will not take place.
3. Enforcement of claims
In the event that any claim arising from the individual contract is against the User or the User intends to claim the claim against Data Manager, the Data Handler may, after termination of the contract, also be entitled to handle the personal data of the Person concerned in order to enforce such claim. The user expressly agrees to this and ensures that you also obtain the consent of the Users.
Legal Basis for Data Processing: The legal basis for such data management is the User's consent as set out above, which aims to enforce claims lawfully and in a smooth, timely and cost-effective way.
Data management duration: For the above purpose, the Data Manager will handle the data as short as possible for the purpose, but no longer than the finalization of the claim enforcement process, and the withdrawal of the consent, unless the law requires the retention of the data subsequently the data will be retained for a specified period of time.
Data Transfer: The Data Controller may become entitled to transfer personal data to authorities, courts, in order to claim enforcement. In addition, you may be entitled to transfer certain personal data in order to provide legal advice or to transfer a claim to the claimant, or may be eligible for factoring or claim securing. Data handlers are obliged to limit the data to the minimum necessary. You will be informed about the transfer of information.
4. Use of a Website
The website users accept this Privacy Statement as they use the Website.
The website may also contain links to other websites. In this regard, the Data Controller expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever on the basis of a reference to other websites for the privacy and data management procedures and specifications of the websites that the user has accessed. The Data Handler expressly informs users that the provisions of this Privacy Policy do not cover these websites.
For the cookies used by the website, see p. the VI. section.
VI. Handling data
The Data Manager uses the following cookies during the operation of the website:
1. Webshop cookies
Websites feature cookies are the so-called "password-protected session cookie", "shopping cart cookies" and "security cookies", which require no prior consent from the affected users.
The purpose of data management is to identify users and track visitors.
Legal Basis for Data Processing: Contribution from the Affiliation / User is not required provided that the sole purpose of using the cookies is the communication of the electronic communications network or the provision of information society services expressly requested by the User or the User.
Range of managed data: unique identifier number, IP address, activity dates and times.
Duration of data handling:
a) The session cookies last for 12 hours after the site visit ends.
An affected person has the option to delete cookies in the Tools / Preferences menu of browsers, usually under the Privacy menu item.
2. Google Analytics
The webmaster's survey data is measured by the Data Manager using the Google Analytics service. Data is transmitted when using this service. The transmitted data are not suitable for the identification of the subject. For more information about Google's privacy policy, please visit http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/
3. Web Logging
The data handler also uses web logging when using the web site. The purpose of data management is to track the user's web activity in order to perform the contract (verifiability of fulfillment of order fulfillment).
The legal basis for data processing is the performance of the contract.
Data stored in web logging: event dates, source url, IP address, web browser type, viewed URLs, date of arrival / departure on the website.
In addition, the functions on the web page and the parameters of the functions are logged.
For web logging, the duration of the data processing is 60 days
Web logging data will not be forwarded.
VII. Access to data, data release to third parties, storage of data
1. General Provisions
Data handler provides default and built-in data protection. To this end, the Data Manager shall apply appropriate technical and organizational measures to:
- it regulates access to data precisely;
- Allow access only to persons whose data are required for the purpose of performing the task and only access to the data that is minimally necessary to perform the task;
- carefully select the data processors entrusted by it and ensure that data security is handled by an appropriate data processing contract;
- ensure that the data processed is unchanged (data integrity), credibility and protection.
2. Data transmission, data processing, access
The Data Handler endeavors not to disclose Affidavit to a third party. However, data release can not be avoided in some cases. The data controller primarily issues data to a third party in the following cases:
Transfer of data to authority (ies): in connection with the establishment, execution and termination of contracts, the Data Controller may be subject to reporting obligations arising from legal regulations. Other data releases may be based on a request for authority or suspicion of a criminal offense.
Data Transfer to Data Processors: Data Handler is entitled to transfer the Relevant Data to the designated carrier / subcontractor as a Performer in the delivery service.
In addition to the cases specified above, you may also disclose Data Manager data to a third party in accordance with applicable law at any time.
Personal data manager authorized to access data: Personal data may be processed by Data Management staff, subject to strict compliance with the principles set out in this Document.
3. Physical storage of data
Data processing and processing, as well as data backup, are carried out in Germany, on VPS servers owned by the Reseller. Because of its encrypted technology, VPS does not have access to any data and therefore does not qualify as a data processor. The data protection requirements of carriers are governed by the carriers' data management in the delivery service.
During the transfer of data, the Data Controller ensures the security of Personal Data with the contractual safeguards provided by the applicable legislation. The Data Manager is fully responsible for the lawfulness of the data transfer and the security of the data.
4. Storage time
The Data Manager stores the Relevant Data for the time specified above for each of the data management purposes, and then the data is destroyed. The data storage period is also subject to the applicable legal regulations at all times, ie if the statutory requirement for storing the data beyond the above-mentioned time period, the Data Manager may store the data for a statutory period of time.
VIII. Measures taken by the Data Controller in the field of data protection
The Data Administrator shall use reasonable physical, technical and organizational security measures to protect the Relevant Data, in particular against accidental, unauthorized, unauthorized destruction, loss, modification, transmission, use, access, or processing. The Data Controller shall promptly notify the User of any unauthorized access or use of personal data which is known to the personal data and is subject to high risk.
A data handler, if required to transmit Target data, will ensure proper data protection, such as data encryption. The Data Handler is fully responsible for the handling of the Affected Data by third parties.
The Data Administrator also provides adequate and regular backups to protect the affected data against destruction or loss.
During the automated processing of personal data, the Data Controller provides additional measures
(a) preventing unauthorized data entry;
(b) prevent the use of automatic data processing systems by unauthorized persons by means of data transmission equipment;
(c) verifiability and determination of which organs may be transmitted or transmitted by means of data transfer equipment using personal data;
(d) the verifiability and determination of which personal data, when and to whom it has been introduced into the automatic data-processing systems;
(e) the repair of installed systems in case of malfunction and
f) to report on errors occurring during automated processing.
IX. Rights of the Affected
The Affiliate has access to the following privileges for data management:
(a) The right to transparent information: prior to and during the processing of data, the person concerned has the right to receive information about the data processed and the processing of data, including this Regulation;
b) Right of Access to Stored Data: The Affected Person is entitled to request information about the data stored and the elements of the data management (in particular: existence, purpose, legal basis, data managed, data release for third parties, data retention time, remedies, data sources, profiling, automated decision making, guarantees, etc.);
c) Right of rectification: In the case of incorrect data, the Subject may initiate the correction of the data;
d) Right to delete (forgetting): You may request the deletion of the data if:
- Data is not needed for the original purpose for which it was collected
- revokes the consent of the Affected to data management
- the Opponent protests against the processing of data and there is no other reason for the processing of data
- Data handling is illegal
- a legal obligation requires deletion
- data collection was carried out in connection with the provision of information society services;
(e) Right to Objection: You may object to data handling based on public interest or legitimate interest; in this case, the Data Controller is only entitled to handle the data if it is justified by legitimate compelling reasons that are of priority to the Affiliate or are related to legal claims. You can protest at any time against data handling for direct business purposes, and in the event of a protest, the data can no longer be handled;
f) Right to Restrict Data Management: In the case of unlawfully treated data or in other cases permitted by law, limitation of data processing can be requested;
(g) Right to data storage: In the case of data processing on the basis of consent or contract based on automatic data processing, the Affected person is entitled to request the disclosure of the information provided by him in a fragmented, widely used machine-readable format and transmit the data as desired;
h) Right of Revocation: You may withdraw your consent at any time.
You can exercise this right at any time. You can send the request to the person concerned at the above mentioned contact details. The Data Controller informs the Users that it is not obliged to designate a Data Protection Officer under the applicable legal regulations, but the Data Protection Officer responsible for these contacts is at your disposal.
The Data Controller is entitled to identify the Person before the Response (to check whether the request originates from the Beneficiary). The email address registered by the Affected Data Controller or the requests received from the web interface is considered by Data Manager as being from the Customer. In the case of requests received in other forms, the Data Controller is entitled to authenticate the Affiliate in any other way (eg on a given telephone number, verbally inquire about the validity of the written request, request a written confirmation on the oral request or other appropriate identification).
The Data Handler examines received applications and rejects it without delay, but no later than within one month, exceptionally, within a longer period permitted by law. The Data Manager will inform you in writing of the outcome of the decision. The processing of the request is free of charge, except for unfounded or excessive requests for which the Data Handler may charge a reasonable fee corresponding to its administrative costs.
The data handler will delete the received mail with the sender's name and email address as well as any other voluntarily entered personal data, after a maximum of five years from the filing of the case.
Anyone who is interested in data processing can make an observation at any time, complain to Data Manager at the above mentioned contact details. In addition, it has also been involved in initiating legal proceedings against the affected data management in the court of the data controller's domicile or the domicile of the Affected Resident, which is duty free and in which the court is absent. In addition to the above, you may also lodge a complaint with the National Data Protection and Information Authority.